What causes back pain/discomfort in pregnancy


What causes back pain/discomfort in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, drastic changes occur in the body of a woman. From changes in the diet to habits, everything completely changes during pregnancy. Starting from the 5th month, the body starts gaining weight, center of gravity of the body shifts due to expansion of uterus and hormones relax the ligaments in the pelvis. Due to all these changes, various problems like back pain/discomfort in pregnancy due to natural reaction of the body which tries to adjust to these structural changes.  If the strain in ligaments continues for long; it may lead to serious backache issues like sciatica, pubic symphysis etc. which might even grow worse in future.

Some of the important measures to be taken during pregnancy are-

  • Practicing a good posture- 

It is the most basic but quiet and effective way which if kept in mind from the beginning, would help alleviate the pain easily. You should stand up straight and tall, always keep graco pack n play with newborn napper your chest high, keep your shoulders back and relaxed and should never lock your knees. Whenever you have to stand, use a comfortable posture for best support. Also while sitting, one should keep few basic things in mind. Always use chair that supports your back or you could even use a pillow to support your lower back. But if you are still experiencing pain, prop a stool under your feet while sitting. This also gives support to your back. It is because stress on spine is the highest when you are sitting. Therefore, it is prudent to be extra careful while sitting and standing to avoid back pain/ discomfort in pregnancy.


  • Don’t sit for long duration– 

If you are working or even at home, never get stationed for a long time. Always take breaks or walks every hour to avoid experiencing the excruciating pain later.


  • Always sleep on your side– 

While sleeping, try and avoid sleeping on your back. Instead, learn to sleep on your sides. You can also use pregnancy pillows under your abdomen, between your knees and behind your back. Also, while getting up in the morning, first turn to your side and then swing your legs over the side of the bed. This should be followed because this position pushes your body with the help of your arms without putting any strain on your back.

Avoid high-heels during this period– 

Try wearing flats or low-heels during pregnancy. Since high-heels put a strain on your back and might even make your body unstable which is quite dangerous at this stage. You can also use a maternity support belt to attenuate the back pain/ discomfort in pregnancy.

The conclusion:

Thus, by adopting these simple yet powerful measures, lot of burden on the bones and muscles and spines of back can be reduced which helps avoid back pain/discomfort in pregnancy. Since it is the most beautiful phase of a women’s life, so one should not take any risks and be extra careful so that this phase can be enjoy newborn pack and play without any pains and worries.

Ideas To Get That Wow Factor At Your Event

Technology enables event planners 3win2u to connect with their audiences in many ways.

One of the most impressive ways is how audiovisual support and other design elements can transform the location. Event planners are transforming spaces in indescribable ways, using good work and technology.

Small spaces appear larger; a blank space becomes more welcoming and modern; a theme comes to life, as well as other interesting uses of space. These creative ideas can give the place a personal appeal and achieve the “wow factor” that customers so much desire.

Modern event lighting does much more than project colors around a space. There are wireless lighting options, which means lights can be placed wherever you want without worrying about attendees tripping over cumbersome cables or ribbons.

You can also highlight an area of ​​interest to make a dramatic impression. Lighting doesn’t have to be boring or monotonous; it can be used on a variety of mobile platforms, including laser.

Event planners can help attendees get the best possible view of event screens by using extensions and secondary screens to combat those uncomfortable lines of sight and ensure everyone has an optimal audiovisual experience.

You do not need to limit the audience to what is happening beyond the event venue. In fact, a lot of event planners are using video screens to show social media comments about what’s happening at the event, broadcast one or a speaker who can’t do it in person, or link multiple event sites and connect them.

Screens can bring another vision to the event, one that can give guests experience from anywhere in the world.

If you want to evoke another place or time, an LED wall can create an image of a landscape. These floor to ceiling projections (they are extremely large) can make attendees feel like they are anywhere.

There’s also mapping, which is the kind of effect that will take an assistant’s breath away. The possibilities are endless with this type of technology. Mapping projects an image onto a three-dimensional surface.

Why is it spectacular? Because it can transform a flat wall into anything. You can even switch between different images at any time. It can be projected on people, in large or small areas.

Finally, a non-technological idea is the use of fabrics. The fabric can add a touch of luxury, depth, color, and texture can be used on the ceiling for a quick burst of color when the painting is not an option.

The fabric can also transform the seats, take a drab chair and re-visualize it as a throne. When lights shine through fabrics, it can create impressive effects.

How To Sell An Idea For An Event

The experience of trying to convince a client that your idea is the best and that the result will be exceptional is exciting, and it kills you on the nerves at the same time.

Selling an idea (also known as “pitching”) does not have to be a disaster if we do it with preparation and organization. This way, you will convince your client that it is the best solution for their needs.

  • Be clear and concise.

Your client probably has dozens of meetings in a row every day, and this one is not going to be an exception. Attention span and tiredness affect whether or not you are receptive to an idea, so the clearer and more concise your presentation, the better impact it will have.

When you have a short message and don’t get bored with unnecessary slides or speeches that never seem to end, you show the customer that you care about their time and that you have very clear ideas. Being brief does not mean that information is missing, but that you know how to synthesize and sell an idea without having to overexplain anything.

  • Focus on the goals

The customer and their needs are most important and should be the center of attention. Before presenting your idea, you must do some prior research to find out what their communication needs are, what their previous events have been, and what they hope to achieve with this and create a project around all these points.

  • The importance of the visual

It does not matter if you use a static format, a PowerPoint, or a video, but it is evident, and it has been demonstrated that our attention span will always be greater when we are receiving visual information.

Including photographs, small infographics, or diagrams without saturating them with information in the text is totally a priority. The most complex ideas can be reduced to a simple image.

  • Create a narrative

Think of presenting your idea as a story. It has to have a message, a theme, some protagonists, and an ending.

Don’t expect your client to put the pieces together by himself with a bunch of disorganized ideas, create that narrative from his point of view and accompany them all the way.

  • Use the strengths of your proposal.

You are probably not the only agency that presents an idea to the client, so it is important to separate as much as possible from other proposals (even if we are blind to it) being very clear about what our differential value is and betting firmly on it.

If the most important need for this event is to strengthen the brand image they have, focus on it, justify and defend why your idea is the one that will achieve the objective they have in mind.

  • Listen and be humble.

Obviously, we have to explain our idea and convince the client, but we also have to be open to listening to criticism and receiving feedback from them.

Don’t just wait for the customer to comment, ask them about the key points of your presentation; let them know that you are open to working together. That will make me see that you are flexible and have an open mind to accept changes.

Finally, one should not fall into superlatives and bombast when it comes to justifying an idea. The important thing is to do it with passion and humility and always give thanks for listening and being considerate.